POSTER presented at MSACL 2019
Evaluation of a plasma biomarker for advanced age-related macular degeneration using Nanotrap® particle–enabled proteomics
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a progressive degenerative disease of the macula usually found in patients over 60 years of age.
> Causes ~9% of blindness worldwide.
> Two advanced forms of the disease.
> Great need for discovery and validation of biomarkers for improved diagnosis, prognosis, and to better inform treatment decisions.
> An aptamer-based approach was used to find AMD biomarkers.
> Vinculin, a cytoplasmic cytoskeletal protein involved in cell adhesion and mobility and present at low concentration in plasma, was identified as a promising candidate biomarker.
> An independent liquid chromatography mass spectometry approach enabled by Nanotrap® technology was used to validate this finding and to identify more than 100 novel biomarkers not previously identified by the aptamer approach.
Using an independent analytic technique enabled by Nanotrap® particle enrichment to drastically improve plasma proteome coverage, we have confirmed that plasma vinculinis elevated in advanced AMD compared with controls. These results confirm a previous report in NV patients by Kim, et al in 2014, and our previous work using the SOMAscan® platform. In addition, a large number of novel and significant candidate biomarkers were identified with multiple unique peptide measurements.