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The Use of NanoTrap® Particles as a Sample Enrichment Method to Enhance the Detection of RVFV

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, July 2014

Rift Valley Fever Virus (RVFV) is a zoonotic virus that is not only an emerging pathogen but is also considered a biodefense pathogen due to the threat it may cause to public health and national security. The current state of diagnosis has led to misdiagnosis early on in infection. Here we describe the use of a novel sample preparation technology, NanoTrap® particles, to enhance the detection of RVFV. Previous studies demonstrated that NanoTrap® particles lead to both 100 percent capture of protein analytes as well as an improvement of more than 100-fold in sensitivity compared to existing methods. Here we extend these findings by demonstrating the capture and enrichment of viruses.


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